CICD Tutorial- Nexus Integration with Jenkins

Devansh Markan
Nov 19, 2020

Hello! In last tutorial, we discussed about Nexus Server and and uploaded Artifacts on Nexus Server using CLI. Now, with a similar concept, we are now going to integrate Nexus with Jenkins.

We won’t be covering Installation Process of Nexus in this tutorial. For that, go to this link and follow the steps to Install Nexus.

Now, after you have installed Nexus, we have to install Nexus Plugin in Jenkins. So, Go to Manage PlugIn option-

Now, we need to provide the path for JDK 8 in our Jenkins. This step is mandatory for all!

Go to the Global Tool Configuration option in Manage Jenkins console.

Now, after that, Click on add option displayed in front of credentials. You will get a similar window. Provide your Nexus Server credentials here.

After all this configuration is done, Create a new repository in Nexus.

Now, copy the URL which is required to complete this experiment. It will be similar to —

Now, open the pom.xml of the Maven project to be published to Nexus. Make the required changes as below-

Now, we will return to our regular steps- Create a new maven project on Jenkins and link it to the Git repo of the newly updated maven project with its updated pom.xml file which we just changed in the previous step.

Do the similar configurations as done in previous steps.

Click “Build Now” to see the output-

This build is unsuccessful, but our job was to integrate Jenkins and Nexus, which we have done successfully.

So now, this is the end of the tutorial. Congrats on Integrating Nexus with Jenkins. Thank You.



Devansh Markan

Tech-enthusiast and looking for learning new technologies and writing technical blogs here.